Thursday, January 13, 2011

Animal Collective - My Girls


The issue!
Don't worry about age. You don't have to be +18 to do this!
Click on "What you can do" for information on your congressperson! If you're an American call, write, and/or email them, because we all need to help protect the internet!

Is it just me, or are we having this same fight with the FCC every year, now?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

US Pole Dance Championship 2009

How it's going down in 2011! LIFE EDITION!

To start off, somethings.
I got demoted at work, but I don't plan on going back too often.
I'm going to put more ENERGY into getting a job!
I deleted my facebook, but I might redo it when I move to FL.
I have a myspace now BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING ARTIST!
I went back in time on the SNS issue, but I can do alot more with myspace than facebook.

As for new years!

Get a better, more paying job!
Learn to swim (FL)
Get another freaking GED.
Get back in touch with family. (MAYBE)
Practice some form of fighting or relaxation skills. (most likely FL)
Take up a spiritual skill, like tarot cards or something.
Get a girlfriend. (FL)
Learn to pole dance. (most likely FL)
Learn an instrument.(most likely FL)

For the ART of!