Friday, May 14, 2010

I was just testing

I have blogger linked to my phone now. When my phone's back on that will be much more useful! I have it link to an email so I would have to deal with text char limit.

While I'm here I may as well give a real update. Still looking for work, cooking ,and cleaning. I messed something up mother wanted me to get, but it would've benefited her more. Let's just say I have my baist areas, as well. I can deal with things in general life, but there are some types of people I'd rather not have daily contact with. Than I would've had to go ACROSS TOWN to get there anyway. It was a janitoral job, so I'm kinda miffed about missing it, but there are various elemens of it that show it's for the best. The job is also an an airforce base, and I don't want to get into all that fed mess. Their background checks are VERY extandive, and if they search me on the interenet I might get in more trobule (under their terms) than worth it. I'm at the library next to something I'm going to apply for, anyway. It will be in food service, but that's better than what mother was tring to push me into.

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