Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Written Sunday, 15 April, 2012 at 14:37:48

As of today, I have decided to get my tubes tide, burnt, and clipped (or whatever they do these days). The United States is becoming a very scary place for women, more so the fertile ones. Wither we're sexual active, or not. Wither the sexual activity is consensual, or not. Having a period doesn't necessarily mean I'm fertile, but I'm not taking any chances. At this rate, it's very likely that sooner or later, there will be so many restrictions on abortions they may as well be outlawed all together. I'm not living to have an abortion one day, but the rape rate is too high to take the chance that I will one day be forced to have a rape baby. I am a woman. I have a life, hopes, goals, and dreams, and a baby will NOT get in my way of these things. I will have children when I'm good and ready, on MY terms and no one else's. When it's time, I will proudly adoption (a) domestic born child(ren).

Go fuck yourselves; you fake ass "pro-life" fucks. You don't care about life. If the fetus grows up to be LGBTQ, non - white, not rich, non - Christian, or a woman you wouldn't give any kind of damn about its life! You're making laws to cripple this country, and our freedoms! Not to mention the disrespect of general knowledge and everyone's right to obtain whatever knowledge they need to survive their own lives, as they see fit for themselves! Mind you, I'm not talking about anything used to hurt someone, like id theft. What people do with their bodies is NONE OF YOU "GOD DAMN" BUSINESS! We have the science to make people's lives better, and that's what we should do with it!

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