Saturday, June 2, 2012

Youjo's “SkullGirls is Sexist” arguement.

First of all, Skull Girls is NOT sexist. Not against women. If you think a game with no lead male roles is sexist against, then that’s how it would be sexist, but against females, no.
Skull girls is the same thing near ever fighting game is. Everything our American media is. EXPLOITATIVE. I’ll remind you Skull Girls’ lead artist and most of it’s staff are males, and I assume are attracted to women. So, the “idle look of a women” in a man’s mind was what was used. We know in real life men aren’t that picky, but give them a change to create an image of what’s on their minds, and you’re very likely to get stuff like Skull Girls (among other things).
It annoys the fuck out of me when people act like they don’t know this. I don’t know who’s reading this right now, but think about this and do research if you must: When you see something you know was created by men, or has “manly” themes what do the females look like? Now, when you see something created by females, or has “feminine themes”, what do the men look like?
I’ve looked at enough shonen and shoujo animes to know how things work. Things that are mainly targeted for a certain group, made by certain people look a certain way. It’s simply shit, people! I’m not saying female gamers don’t exist, but they seem to be rare or occasional. Not enough to have “normal” looking people in video games yet. In this case - with all the words that have been thrown around, I’ll say “reasonably dressed” women.
We know in real life there’s no way in “hell” females wear that shit to a fight! But, this isn’t real life, and that’s also a very important point. People can create whatever they want and make it work. They made it, so why the fuck not?
Now, about men in games. I’ve seen a vary of men much great to their female counter parts, but that’s also an occasional thing. Everyone once in a while you will see a fat, ugly, or old game as an active member on the fighting panel of a game. Other than that we have a lot of younger very much of what we consider “attractive” guys. I understand this problem is in how they’re dressed. Why are the women also naked and the guys usually have more clothes? I think this comes from what creators think women like to look at. I’ve seen a lot of fanart of pretty boys half naked coming from characters that can have on elaborate clothing. Females can translate sexy, and covering them up gives them the freedom to imagine! Men are more straight forward with their visualizations. The designs can vastly different, but the point of interest is the same: Make a sexy girl, then have her show us some skin. People that are attracted to females made what people that are attracted to females want to see. How fucking surprising!
As someone who also makes characters, I design mine in the image I want them to be. I’m attracted to both males and females so most of the ones I draw are made in ways I find attractive! I do throw in some variety every now and then, but by drawing some characters more than others it’s easy to see where my head’s at. When it comes to my own characters I like to be what I consider reasonable, and that’s my personal preference. I have my own idea of what “sexy” is, too. Apparently, Alex Ahad and other artists have different opinions what “reasonable” and “sexy” means. I’m fine with that, just so you know. Don’t get me wrong. When I first started noticing how exploited women’s bodies are (by people attracted to women, mind you) it annoyed me, but now I’m use to it.
If you don’t like it you know what you can do about it? MAKE YOUR OWN SHIT! Make your characters look as average, ugly, fat, or old as you want! Pull together a team of indie game makers and make games with what American media and people deem not-special or unattractive. Make shows, and cartoons, and ads and post them on internet video sites. Have at it, and have a great time! You can’t complain about how you don’t think like the way things work, but do nothing about it. We are the media and the people, so we have to change it. CHANGE IT!

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