Not just because i believe in human equal rights ,but all arguments against gay rights and marriage are based on unfounded opinion ,and religious belief.
I have scientific and psychological proof and studies backing up why i think letting gays marry is a good idea.
This is a VERY short vers: of the scientific and psychological part.
Here's a long vers. It's an hour:
Of course this a civil matter ,so getting the rights aren't easy. You can't just have the SMART factors at hand.
You also have to use brute force to get your point across ,just let the homophobes that are willing to beat up gays as a way of proving THEY'RE right.
Civil debates aren't fun and games ,so you have to get your hands dirty. Gays are gonna have to kill ,die ,and debate for rights. Don't at like you can't learn anything for how blacks got rights.
Blacks died for me to be able to sit on an unsegregated bus. What do you think you'll have to do TO GET MARRIED?!
I'm not gay but if i choose to get with someone of my gender ,and i decide i want to go through the trouble of get married i want the choice.
Also, adopting child(ren).
On both issues I believe love is not based on gender with your partner or a child(ren).
I don't have any good gay examples ,but i do have ALOT of my own personal proof that just because its a hetero couples doesn't mean it's meant to work out.
Being homo or hetero doesn't make you who you are or decide how good a parent you are or will be.
That's where i am on it.
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