Thursday, April 23, 2009

You gotta FIGHT for your RIGHT! - homo

Like i said ,i support gay rights and marriage.

However, the fight seems weak.

Firstly ,the symbols that "represent" gays prides.

An upside down pink triangle ,and a rainbow flag... NO! HELL FUCKING NO! What kinds of symbols of showing power and authority are THOSE!? Rethink that.

Be more aggressive ,and even brutish just like the gay bashers.
People are willing to kill you just for being gay so you need to act like you are willing to kill them, too.

People die for love all the time ,but you don't get credit for it if you don't let it be known why you did it. If you're gonna kill yourself because you're gay tell the new channels first, or something to make your cause noticed.

For a more aggressive view i suggest being more like this:

or this:

I'm black. People about to debate ,fight ,kill ,and die for me to have the civil rights i have today.

Take note that alot of the old arguments on why I shouldn't have rights ,or marry other races are being used again now. It was also a slow progression, so gay right may not be accepted in our life time ,but do it for the kids!

And THAT'S what i have to say on THAT!

Good luck to ya! ... or maybe "us" ,after all.
I prefer my same gender ,myself.

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