My school bulling
I got the most bulling about my sexual ori in school. I complained to staff, and nothing was done in my defense. Maybe I didn't complain enough or to the right people, when I think about it. I was afraid of drawing attention to myself, because my school records were so bad as far as grades and attendance. I don't see that as an excuse for being ignoredwhen I did complain and report things, however. AND I was reporting them to the person in charge on security, but was secure? No.
I was bullied, and treated like a second class human being. It was like I had some kind of disease. People talked about me, stole my things, and either left when I came in or ran me away. A lot of verbal harassment and rumors. I was threatened, but I kept sharp objects handy and fastly wipe them out when approached.
I said all that to say my WORSE experience came from public school in the south. I noticed the homophobic activity when I was young, but didn't know what it was.
Long story short: My music class was singing Yankee Doodle Dandy. The teacher stopped the singing due to some students sounding different than others. When she inquired on the problem most of the female student were changing the gender lyrics on the "sweetheart" part. They even give a hard time about saying the words, and they wanted back and forth for 5 mins or so. The boys and a few girls were like "We can't just get other with, huh? Ya'll have to raise hell over some stupid shit?"
Everyone that didn't give the teacher a hard time about got an A. Some of the people that did, but sang anyway when the teacher said they weren't going to change it got a varying grade. Those that refuse to sing the line all together got an F.
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