Sunday, April 3, 2011

Worked the Election Poll: Here's what I have to say.

From the overall exp I won't be the election poll again anytime soon.

It was long and boring. Hardly no one came in, and most of the time we were sitting there getting hurt just from sitting there in those horribly hard metal chairs. I was hungry, sore, sleepy, irritated, and constipated most of the day.

I'm not going to diss the ladies I was with too much, because they were nice, and they gave me snack money. It's just you can't sit in a room with Christians and tell them that you're not a Christian, and that you believe in tarot cards and gay rights without a reaction. I also put in the idea that I'm not straight some where in there, as I usually have a good skill to do. I can't go into full detail on my argument on gay issues, but my usual ace is "This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Marriage is a legal issue. If you pay taxes you should have the same rights as other tax payers," and that has yet to fail me on ending an argument. People that don't believe in God or YOUR God get married just like you do. People that don't in God or don't believe in YOUR God still continue to live on this Earth and the Earth continues to spin. I can believe what I want, and continue to live, just like everyone else, so what's so important about this "God" stuff?

I'll admit I'm traumatize from Christianity, and I don't see myself returning to the one of the things that's hurt me the most in my life, and continues to hurt me now (if i can't help it). I've yet to get the "You're going to Hell," in my adult life, but I'm sure it's coming. It almost came today. I told them I don't want to go to Heaven because the fun people aren't there, and they were like "Have you been to Heaven?!". I was like "Have you?" "No, but we're asking you. Have you been?" "No, but I had a dream about it. It's was boring, so I don't wanna go." That ended that part.

Then later we talked about racial issues. I have a better understanding of why older black people don't like white people from some of what I heard today. A lot of, not only here, but most (if not all) of the USA is based on white people stealing other people's stuff. I've known that for most of my life, now. It upsets me, like it would any other none-white person, but I just don't have that withholding anger in my soul about it. I won't until something personal happens to me, or someone close to me. Even then, I still won't think all white people are bad. In my teen years the few friends I had were mostly white; I only had 1 black friend, in fact. I also know I was a lot of white peoples only of just 2nd, or 3rd black friend, too. There's much unfairness, but when it comes to race and sex I choose to handle those issues as they come to me.

The social opposition I came to today isn't what turned me off to poll working. It's just it's boring as shit. I have NEVER been hungry, sore, sleepy, irritated, and constipated all at the same time! And I was like that for HOURS today! This is going on my resume, and I'm done.

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