Saturday, August 18, 2012

I had a thought about Peacock (what else is new)

I remember what I said about her future situation after her story mode. All that "she's homeless and unfit for general society" stuff. After reading someone else say something to my idea, and reviewing her story mode, she does say that she needs to sleep, and she missing her TV shows. I didn't ignore it, but re-reading repeated finally made me think: Dr. Avian is dead, but if there's anything left of Lab 8 and the other doctors are still alive then Lab 8 doesn't have to be over. Peacock said "they did a number on the lab", but she didn't the lab was COMPLETELY destroyed. Knowing my slang terms, that means the lab was in bad, but not unfixable shape. If it was she might have said something along the lines of "OH NO! The lab's been totaled!" and I assume her gang would have panicked - given it's their home, too. Anything that isn't answered in being spelled completely out for everyone is up in the air. I'm just now being able to point out that Peacock does hint the Lab is salvageable.

Also, in all seriousness - I can't see Peacock (fully in character) having sex, and I mean that with anyone. Slavery is known to involve rape, and at the age in which it happened she probably mental scared in that area (among others) for life. In any case, it depends on how she reacted to the trauma. That's my opinion on that subject.

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