Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sexual assault and my teenage self.

A long time ago someone I regarded as a friend sexualy assulted me. They dry humped me without permission, and it actually did hurt. When I addressed to to them later, they said they didn't remember doing it. I was hurt in more than one way at the time, but I was a teenager so I forgot about it. I've been around them and trusted them since and times were like it never happened. Every now and then I remember it, though.

When I think about my sexual conduct I think between living a sexless life, and only having sex with someone that I care for - no matter the point in life. When I think of living sexless there is a hate and anger to it. Not just to that person, but to others that have or have tried to assault me.The person with dreads and "education". The person in the white truck "seeking models or all kinds". And, I hate for myself to anyone I have ever assaulted. That seemed like something we all did without thinking. Now I think about it. I am sorry for the people that I've hurt.

When I think of falling in love I fell a wholeness and forgiveness, just from the thought. I feel the love in every way! I separate myself from the wrongs to and from myself and all is truly forgiven in my soul. It's easier to learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others when I feel the forgiveness of the universe guiding me to my correct path. If and when I ever find "that person" (or "those people") I will no longer communicate with "that friend". Love will let me move on, completely. If not, I am doomed fear and shame. But, I will get what I deserve.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The verses among waves

I've noticed a negative trend of feminists not getting along with other feminists because they're feminists.

There's still some hate towards male/ men fems, and intersex/ genderqueers are a "new" breed that have it worse. 

I'm a genderqueer 3rd waver, and I find that 1st wavers don't care for me. More focus on the "cis-ters" than the "sisters" - as I've experienced them. 2nd wavers are confused by the notion but the 2nd wave is where fem-men started becoming more noticeable, so they're more open minded and they're coming into an understanding. Much better about having "sisters" over "cis-ter".

There's suppose to be a 4th wave coming on, but we're not sure what that is, yet. Some calm that the 3rd wave is the 4th wave, meaning there's a wave before us that must of us are ignorant to. It's possible that wave wasn't big enough to be reputable in comparison to the others.

I hope there are many waves. So many waves we lose count. Waves all the time, because we need feminism ALL THE TIME!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Get the FUCK outta my store!

Hey. Excuse you! It’s not ok to walk into someone’s place of employment ask for free food from someone of the male one of the same sex as you, say 3 sentences to the genderqueer one, and try to coax sex out of the female one.
You come into my place of work and you will respect everyone. If you can not do that you will be TOLD to leave. If you refuse this order, I WILL KICK YOUR ASS.
Rant time:
So some fatherfucker came in and asked the man/ male of us for some food. He asked DIRECTLY to him. The man/ male agreed to give him the old fires that we would throw out otherwise. He looks over and send 3 sentences to me, in comment to my dancing to song. He looks at the female/ woman of us, asks her name, and asks when she gets off work. The woman/ female isn’t very good with english, yet - She can speak for herself, but she’s at a verbal disadvantage, right now.
I butt myself in, pointing out that “he has all these connections to take you out, but he has to ask strangers for food” and I’m called out on being a “cock block”. So this man admitted to walking into a woman’s place of employment and trying to get sex from her in front of her supervisor and co-worker.
I didn’t tell him to get the fuck outta my store like I wanted to because I wasn’t the one in charge. I did become hostile and made it clear the man was no longer welcome there. I felt bad until I talked to the boss, and she agreed that she would have told the man to get out as well. From now on, that man is no longer allowed in the store, and if anyone else comes in with that shit I will tell them to leave! That’s is no where near acceptable!