Sunday, October 17, 2010

I have to tell someone! *virginity*

Being a virginity is a sex magnet, ironically.

My latest one is TODAY.

My friend was play driving crazy, and i said "Seriously, don't do that. I don't wanna die a virgin. I wanna feel love."

The reply: "...Really?"

"Yeah." (Why are you surprised?)

"I can't help you want that, if you want."

Then went into some details about his penis size.

WTF moment, for me.

I bring out the pervert in people! I'm happy about that, but it's weird when people flirt with me.

I like my friend AS A FRIEND. I'm horny, but I don't really "know" this person like that.

I'm glad to know when I want I can just go out and tell someone "I'm a virgin. Fuck me!" and just get it. Of cor, if I said that they would assume I'm lying, but you get it.

My problem is, due to lack of affection, I'm easy to think I like people on a higher level then I do. If I had something or someone to focus my love energy on I wouldn't be so weird with everyone else.

I don't like getting jealous when I find out someone I vaguely like has someone of their own. I know it's not right, and it doesn't matter, but I get that messed up feeling.

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