Monday, October 11, 2010


I'll take this over fake-ass Columbus Day!

Now, as you all should know a day or any other period of time gets put on something other of respect of sadness for it.

It's just like Pearl Harbor Day, Mothers' Day, MLK day, so on and so forth.

Coming Out Day is for the good and the bad.

The good being the supportive side. Families that love their gay members for who they are. The "friends of" group, and the gay pride itself.

The bad being those that have had to suffer bulling, mistreatment, banishment, and even been killed or killed themselves.

I think too much goes into coming out, tho. It shouldn't be treated differently if its not different, right? People don't go telling their parents "mom, dad, i'm straight", so why does it have to have a heavy meaning when you're gay/ bi?

Well, how I feel about it isn't how most people feel, it seems. As long as it's "different" and people usually can't tell just by looking (in some cases) have to tell people just so they'll know.

Sometimes, it's just about coming out to yourself. Looking in the mirror and having to say "I'm gay/ bi". Breaking away from what the not-so-gay-friendly part of people want you to be and having to come to terms with being yourself. It's hard when you think or know there will be consequences.

Hopefully, I'll have my audio on YouTube later on today TIRING TO BE ON TIME!

Come on out the closet, folks!

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